Leg Vein Treatment
Sclerotherapy (pronounced sklair-o-THAIR-uh-pee) is a medical procedure used since the 1930s to treat varicose and spider veins. It is considered one of the most effective treatments for removing unwanted leg veins. Sclerotherapy is indicated for uncomplicated spider veins (very small varicose veins ≤ 1 mm in diameter) and uncomplicated small varicose veins (1 to 3 mm in diameter) known as reticular veins. The procedure involves injecting a solution directly into a vein, causing the treated vein to seal shut and fade from view over time. The body then naturally resorbs the treated blood vessel (vein).

Downtime & Results
Mild bruising and redness around the treatment area are common following sclerotherapy treatment. It’s recommended that you wear compression hose for 72 hours and avoid heavy exercise.
Full results may take up to six weeks to be seen, and multiple treatments may be needed for optimal results. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled six weeks after the initial treatment to assess the results and recommend further treatment if necessary.